The Last Lecture Reflection

  • Due Oct 3, 2021 at 11:59pm
  • Points 12
  • Questions 12
  • Time Limit None


Don't let the fact that Canvas calls this a Quiz fool you-I'm just using this tool because it is the only one that Canvas provides where you can write essay questions in a given field. The points for this activity will be included in the Preparatory Activities grade.

You may choose to have this reflection open in another window while you watch the video, if you wish. 

Grading Criteria: Please use full sentences when answering the questions. A sentence fragment frequently doesn't give me enough information to be able to tell if you understand the question or the video, so please be sure to answer questions completely. Incomplete or missing answers will not receive the full credit that a complete answer would receive.

Some of the questions have definite correct answers, but some of them ask you to reflect on the content of the video and provide your thoughts on the content. The grading criteria for questions that lack a definite right-or-wrong answer, are based on your personal circumstance or ask for your opinion will be graded simply on whether or not you answered them, and if your answer is related to the question asked.

Only registered, enrolled users can take graded quizzes