Course Syllabus

This link will take you to a printable PDF of the syllabus and schedule for this course. It contains the same information that is listed below.

Survey of Entertainment Fall 2021 Online Syllabus.pdf


Course Name: Survey of Entertainment Technology

Course ID/Section: TPA 1380

Term/Year: Fall 2021

Modality: Online

Length of Term: TWK

Credit Hours: 3

Campus/Building/Room: Online

Meeting Day/Time: Asynchronous, A weekly, non-mandatory online Zoom conference will be scheduled. 



Instructor: Michael Shugg


Office Location: Online, Canvas messages, Email

Office Hours: Monday, 3:00-4:00 PM, Wednesday, 3:00-4:00 PM


Catalog Description: Explores the range of employment options in the Central Florida Entertainment Industry including Digital Media, Film, Music Production and Live Entertainment Design & Production with a focus on career and education planning for success.

Prerequisites: none


Purpose: The student will create a personal purpose statement that articulates their values, goals, interests and strengths in relation to his/her career and educational aspirations in the field of Entertainment Technology.

Pathway: The student will assess the alignment of his/her academic program with educational/career goals, interests, strengths and values.

Plan:  The student will design an education plan that will lead to the attainment of the technical and soft skills required for success in his/her entertainment career.

Preparation: The student will apply college and workplace success skills.

Personal Connection: Students will demonstrate effective communication skills with diverse groups.

Place: Students will demonstrate awareness of college support systems.


Required Text: Clifton Strengths for Students by Clifton and Anderson

Various online resources and activities available through Canvas modules for this course.


Students must have access to a computer with a keyboard, monitor and an internet connection that can stream videos, at minimum.


  • Students must be able to use a basic word processing program, such as Microsoft Word.
  • Students must be able to perform the basic functions of a presentation software program, such as PowerPoint.
  • Students must be able upload assignments to Canvas.


The course seeks to strengthen students’ skills applicable to Valencia’s Student Core Competencies: Think, Value, Communicate, and Act.



Start Date:9/27/2021

End Date:12/8/2021

Withdrawal Deadline:11/19/2021

College Closed:11/11/2021; 11/24-28/2021, Thanksgiving Holiday

College Calendar:



No Show Policy

Class attendance is required for face-to-face classes beginning with the first class meeting. If you do not attend the first class meeting, you may be withdrawn from the class as a “no show.” Class attendance is required for online classes; students who are not actively participating in an online class and/or do not submit the required attendance activity or assignment by the scheduled due date must be withdrawn by the instructor at the end of the first week as a "no show". If you are withdrawn as a “no show,” you will be financially responsible for the class and a final grade of “WN” will appear on your transcript for the course.”

Withdrawal Policy

Per Valencia policy a student who withdraws from class before the established deadline for a particular term will receive a grade of “W. A student is not permitted to withdraw after the withdrawal deadline.

A faculty member will withdraw a student up to the withdrawal deadline for violation of the class attendance policy. A student who is withdrawn by faculty for violation of the class attendance policy will receive a grade of “W”. After the withdrawal deadline, faculty will not withdraw a student and the student will receive the grade earned at the end of the course. Any student who withdraws or is withdrawn from a class during a third or subsequent attempt in the same course will be assigned a grade of “F.” If you do not intend to complete the course, you must withdraw yourself prior to the withdrawal date.

College Student Conduct Policy

Valencia is dedicated not only to the advancement of knowledge and learning but also to the development of responsible personal and social conduct. As a registered student, you assume the responsibility for conducting yourself in a manner that contributes positively to Valencia’s learning community and that does not impair, interfere with, or obstruct the orderly conduct, processes, and functions of the college as described in the Student Code of Conduct.

Academic Honesty

All forms of academic dishonesty are prohibited at Valencia College. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, acts or attempted acts of plagiarism, cheating, furnishing false information, forgery, alteration or misuse of documents, misconduct during a testing situation, facilitating academic dishonesty, and misuse of identification with intent to defraud or deceive.

All work submitted by students is expected to be the result of the students' individual thoughts, research, and self-expression. Whenever a student uses ideas, wording, or organization from another source, the source shall be appropriately acknowledged. If a student is caught submitting plagiarized work a first offense will result in a zero score on the assignment, a second offense will result a class grade of F.

Students with Disabilities

Valencia is committed to ensuring that all of its programs and services are accessible to students with disabilities. The Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) determines reasonable and appropriate accommodations for qualified students with documented disabilities based upon the need and impact of the specific disability.

Any student requiring course accommodations due to physical, emotional or learning disability must contact the instructor and provide a Notification to Instructor form by the end of the second week of class. To obtain a letter of accommodation, contact OSD at 407-582-2229.

Baycare Student Assistance Services

Valencia College strives to ensure all our students have a rewarding and successful college experience. To that purpose, Valencia students can get immediate help with issues dealing with stress, anxiety, depression, adjustment difficulties, substance abuse, time management as well as relationship problems dealing with school, home or work. BayCare Behavioral Health Student Assistance Program (SAP) services are free to all Valencia students and available 24 hours a day by calling (800) 878-5470. If needed, the counselor may refer the student to appropriate resources or to speak face-to-face with a licensed counselor.



College Catalog

Valencia Policy Manual

Student Handbook

Microsoft Office Instructions for free software

Learning Support-Tutoring



Weekly Course Activity Policy:

Weekly activity in the course is required because this course introduces new topics and/or activities weekly, each building upon past topics and activities. It is important to stay up to date and work on the course activities in the order they are assigned because many of the smaller (formative) activities prepare the student for success on the larger (summative) assignments.

The minimum evidence of activity for the course is participation in the discussion boards. Discussions cannot be made up after the discussion closes, because we will have moved on from that topic as a class, and no one will be checking that discussion anymore, so there will be no chance for dialogue.

Additionally, there will be new pages or modules weekly, and regular videos outlining upcoming course activity posted in the Announcements section of the course.

A synchronous Zoom conference will be made available10:00 - 11:00 AM Mondays and Wednesdays beginning Wednesday 8/26/2020. Zoom conferences will be approximately 1 hour in length and will occur most weeks of the semester. Attendance at the Zoom meetings is not mandatory, but they are an opportunity for dialogue with the professor and other students about the topics presented in the course. The Zoom meetings may be recorded and posted so that students who are not available for the synchronous meeting will be able to view them.

Assignment Submission & Standard Format Policy:

All assignment for this course will be submitted through the assignment links in Canvas. Assignments that have a submission link will only be accepted if it is submitted through the designated link in Canvas. All assignments submitted through Canvas are to be typed, double spaced, and use a 12-point font with one-inch margins. Paragraphs should be indented, with no extra line between paragraphs. The student’s name, assignment name and date should be typed in the upper right hand corner of the document. Work that does not follow format requirements will receive a deduction of one letter grade.

Late Work/Makeup Policy:

All work is due and expected to be turned in before the end of class on the due date.  Late work will be accepted with the following grade deductions:  Work turned in seven days after the original due date will receive a 10% grade reduction.  Every week that an assignment is late after the initial due date will result and an additional grade reduction of 10% for each week that it is late. Professors are human too, and we know that “life happens.” If you find yourself slipping behind on work, please reach out to let your professor know so that I can work with you on it.  

Third Party Software & FERPA Policy:

Valencia College has a firm commitment to protecting the privacy rights of its students.

Grading Scale

90% -100% A

89.9%-80% B

79.9%-70% C

69.9%- 60% D

59.9%- 50%

and lower F

Methods of Evaluation:

Discussions - 10% of Final Grade

Engagement with the course through the discussion function in Canvas is required throughout the course. In the discussions we will explore the topics related to course assignments. For each discussion, students are required to make an initial post by a specified deadline, and expected to make substantive replies to classmates’ posts by a specified deadline. Weekly discussions cannot be made up after the discussion closes.

Learning Activities - 10% of Final Grade

Learning activates are low-points activities that give the student opportunities to explore and engage with course materials that will be needed to complete the major assignments in the course. These may be quizzes, worksheets, collaborative projects with classmates, reflections on videos watched in the course or short research assignments.      

StrengthsQuest Assessment - 10% of Final Grade

The student will complete a StrengthsQuest assessment. This assessment provides individualized information that the student will use in several subsequent assignments in this course. The student will download and submit a PDF of their personalized assessment report, Top Five Themes of Strength.

Educational Plan – 10% of Final Grade

Students will explore resources and answer questions that will assist in generating an educational plan that includes degree focus and specific courses required during the subsequent semester towards completion of that degree.

Industry Trends (1 & 2)- 10% of Final Grade

Students will identify and report on trends impacting the Entertainment Industry. Students will turn in a short paper for each trend that cites the source of the trend, summarizes the trend and describes the impact of the trend on entertainment and their own career. Two trend reports will be required during the semester.

Job Description - 10% of Final Grade

Students will search for entertainment technology job postings on credible job posting websites and from those descriptions, create a composite job description that identifies the skills and competencies required for that particular type of early career job in the entertainment industry.

Resume/ Cover Letter - 10% of Final Grade

The student will generate a targeted resume and cover letter for one of the job postings that they used for the Composite Job Description assignment. These will be graded based on content and professional presentation.

 Test 1: Strengths Reflection - 10% of Final Grade

Students will analyze their StrengthsQuest themes of talent as they relate to a field of entertainment. The test will be graded based on content, presentation and following assignment guidelines.

Career Ladder Group Project – 10% of Final Grade

Students will work in discipline based teams to research the career path for a pinnacle job in Entertainment. Students will identify and assess the career path of at least one real person who has attained the job. Students will present their findings to the class in a video, as well as submit a short paper summarizing the research.

Career Plan Reflection - 10% of Final Grade

The student will assess his/her technical and soft skills as they relate to the skills identified in a job description for an entertainment job. Additionally, the student will formulate a plan for building additional required skills.  The Test will be graded based on content and presentation following assignment guidelines.

Communication Policy: 

The best way to contact me is through Canvas Messages. I monitor my Canvas messages constantly during my office hours and you will receive a prompt response within 30 minutes if you contact me during my office hours (listed above), unless I am already engaged with a student at that time. Then I will respond as soon as I'm finished with that student. The second best way to contact me is by writing me an email at the address above, but I don't constantly monitor my email so response time may be longer. I will make every effort to answer a Canvas message or an email within 24 hrs if it is received outside of my office hour. If you wish to have a real-time dialogue, we can schedule a Zoom meeting.



Changes to the course calendar may be made at the discretion of the professor, and students will be notified of any changes in class and/or via the Canvas Inbox conversations tool.



Course Summary:

Date Details Due