Course Syllabus
HUM 2310
CRN 26838
Valencia College
Course Number: HUM 2310
Course Title: Mythology
Term: Spring Term 2021
Section: CRN 26838
First Class: March 4, 2021 (Online Orientation Begins)
Last Class: May 2, 2021
Professor: Donald L. Cary Jr., M. A.
Office Hours: By Appointment
Phone: (407) 491.2716 (Cell)
Email: Use Canvas Email
Freshman Composition ENC 1101 or 1101H, IDH 1110
Course Description
Examines world mythology in comparative perspective, analyze
myths with a variety of methods, and considers the application of mythological ideas and symbols in the humanities. Mythology is a Gordon Rule course in which the student is required to demonstrate college-level writing skills through multiple writing assignments. Minimum grade of C required if used to satisfy Gordon Rule requirement. 3 Credit Hours.
Major Topics/Concepts/Skills/Issues
- Trace similar archetypes in world mythologies.
- Identify, describe, and illustrate with appropriate examples how the expression of the archetypes in specific cultures is both universal and particular.
- Explain the possible reasons for the archetypal similarities found around the globe.
Course Learning Outcomes
- Articulate connections between world mythologies and contemporary culture such as film, literature, music, etc., including personal life where relevant.
- Analyze and interpret myth or mythic works of different world cultures and traditions with a variety of methods.
- Analyze and Interpret significant works of art, literature, philosophy, or religion in mythic context.
- Appreciate the diverse achievements and traditions of global civilizations.
- Demonstrate college level writing.
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My Teaching Philosophy
My personal philosophy is best summed up in a quote by the great Greek philosopher Socrates: “Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel.” My goal in this course is to set your mind on fire and to engage you, not to simply fill your head with facts. I want to explore ideas and concepts with you, not ask you to repeat dates, names, and statistics. I will never forget reading the inscription above the entrance to Dodd Hall when I was a student at Florida State University: “The Half of knowledge is to know where to find knowledge.” Somewhere between these two profound statements is where I aim for this course to reside. The experience you are about to enjoy is a reflection of this ongoing effort.
Classroom Culture
Over the next few weeks we will create a culture in this class. There is a 50% chance that this culture will be terribly negative and, conversely, there is a 50% chance that it will be wonderfully positive. By spending some time getting to know each other at the beginning of the term, I hope that we can tip our odds in favor of the positive side. The creation of a culture is an ongoing process and we will continue to develop it throughout the term by observing it, discussing it, and making changes when necessary so that the learning environment remains positive for everyone.
My name is Donald Cary and I attended Colonial High School in Orlando, Florida. I graduated from Florida State University where I earned my B.A. in 1994, and my M.A. in 1997 – both are humanities degrees. I have taught in the public school system since 1997 and at Valencia College since 1999. My favorite book is Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte (perhaps the most twisted novel ever penned); my favorite food is pizza (one look at my waistline will confirm this fact); my favorite movie is Slingblade (it should have won 10 Oscars – it won one); my future goal is to master this crazy profession (after 16 years, I’m no closer than I was when I began); and my personal quirks are simple: I am an avid FSU fan (How ‘Bout Them ‘Noles?!?!), and I possess a fiery Italian personality – if you want to stop me from talking, just tie my hands behind my back, ha ha!!)
No required text for this course. Readings will be provided by the instructor.
Contacting the Instructor
If, at any time during the term you need to contact me, please do not hesitate. You may use the following number:
(407) 491.2716 – This is my cell phone number. Please call this number if you have an urgent problem. Please keep in mind that I do not have any control over technical difficulties that may occur. For technical issues you will need to contact the Canvas help desk at 407.582.5600. I will be happy to assist you with all other issues.
- E-Mail Address:
You will be able to contact me using the mail tool located inside the course shell. I try my very best to respond to emails at least once every two days. Assignments will not be accepted via email unless requested by me. I also check my college email; however, I will use Canvas email to send you messages throughout the term.
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Core Competencies
Valencia College’s Student Core Competencies are complex abilities that are essential to lifelong success. These general competencies can be applied in many contexts and must be developed over a lifetime. They specify how learning can be expressed and assessed in practice. They enable students and faculty to set learning goals and assess learning within and across the many disciplines of human inquiry .
Think clearly, critically, and creatively
Analyze, synthesize, integrate, and evaluate
in many domains of human inquiry
To think, what must you do?
- a) analyze data, ideas, patterns, principles, and perspectives
- b) employ the facts, formulas, and procedures of the discipline
- c) integrate ideas and values from different disciplines
- d) draw well-supported conclusions
- e) revise conclusions consistent with new observations, interpretations, or reasons
How and where must you think?
- with curiosity and consistency
- individually and in groups
Make reasoned value judgments and
responsible commitments
To value, what must you do?
- a) recognize values as expressed in attitudes, choices, and commitments
- b) distinguish among personal, ethical, aesthetic, cultural, and scientific values
- c) employ values and standards of judgment from different disciplines
- d) evaluate your own and others' values from individual, cultural, and global perspectives
- e) articulate a considered and self-determined set of values
How and where must you value?
- with empathy and fair-mindedness
- individually and in groups
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Communicate with different audiences using varied means
To communicate, what must you do?
- a) identify your own strengths and need for improvement as communicator
- b) employ methods of communication appropriate to your audience and purpose
- c) evaluate the effectiveness of your own and others’ communication
How and where must you communicate?
- by speaking, listening, reading and writing
- verbally, non-verbally, and visually
- with honesty and civility
- in different disciplines and settings
Act purposefully, reflectively, and responsibly
To act, what must you do?
- a) apply disciplinary knowledge, skills, and values to educational and career goals
- b) implement effective problem-solving, decision-making, and goal-setting strategies
- c) act effectively and appropriately in various personal and professional settings
- d) assess the effectiveness of personal behavior and choices
- e) respond appropriately to changing circumstances
How and where must you act?
- with courage and perseverance
- individually and in groups
- in your personal, professional, and community life
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Module Assignments
The assignments for this course will be broken into modules. To access the modules you will need to click on the “Modules” tab. The modules will be listed on the course shell week by week as we progress through the term. Therefore, on March 4 you will only be able to access the Orientation Module which consists of the Orientation Discussion, Orientation Assignment, and the Mythology Vocabulary/Symbolism Assignment. The course is divided into seven weeks. Some weeks will include two modules. Remember that this course is accelerated because it takes place over an eight week period. To complete each module, you will need to read the corresponding readings provided by the instructor. When submitting assignments for each module, you can either attach your assignment as a Word document or a PDF. Please make sure that you attach a Word Document or a PDF. If you attach a zip file document or a “pages” document, I may not be able to access the assignment and you will be asked to resend the assignment. Please make sure that you follow this mandate closely. Each term this costs at least one or two students a satisfactory grade in the course because they did not pay attention to the proper formatting of their assignments. Each module will include a videos and readings that will provide the basis for your writing assignments and discussions.
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The following table presents all the Learning Modules and exams. I will provide further information regarding dates when modules are assigned. Original discussion posts will be due a few days ahead of replies so that everyone has something on which to base their replies. This information will be presented when each module is assigned.
Module/Assignment Dates Assignment/Discussion
Orientation Module
March 4 – March 10 |
Orientation Discussion Orientation Assignment Mythology Terminology |
Learning Module #1 Learning Module #2 |
March 11 – March 18 |
Discussion #1 Assignment #1 |
Learning Module #3 Learning Module #4 |
March 19 – March 26 |
Discussion #2 Assignment #2 |
Midterm Exam
March 27 – April 5 |
Midterm Exam |
Learning Module #4
April 6 – April 13 |
Discussion #3 Assignment #3 |
Mythology and Art Project
April 14 – April 21 |
Mythology and Art Project |
Learning Module #6 Final Exam |
April 22 – April 29 |
Final Exam |
Grading Breakdown/Valencia Grading Scale
The grading breakdown for HUM 2310 looks like this:
Orientation Discussion x 20 20 points
Orientation Assignment x 50 50 points
Myth Vocab x50 50 points
It Came From Greek Myth x50 50 points
3 Discussions x 20 60 points
3 Assignments x 50 150 points
Myth and Art Project x100 100 points
- Midterm Exam x150 150 points
- Final Exam x150 150 points
Total 780 points
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A = 698 – 780
B = 620 – 697
C = 542 – 619
D = 464 – 541
F = 0 – 463
The Valencia Grading Scale looks like this:
A = 90 – 100 B = 80 – 89 C = 70 – 79 D = 60 – 69 F = 0 – 59
Since HUM 2310 is an online course, we will not have regular meetings.
Make Up Policy
There WILL BE NO MAKE UP OF EXAMS ALLOWED. All modules will remain open until the end of the term. If you miss an assignment or a discussion, you will be allowed to submit it; however, you will lose almost half of the value of the assignment. . Additionally, if you miss the midterm exam or the final exam, you will not be allowed to make up the exam. Please make sure that you take the exam during the window of time that is provided for you. MAKE EVERY ATTEMPT TO SUBMIT ASSIGNMENTS WHEN THEY ARE DUE!!!
Please understand that I am responsible for four sections of this course each term. I will do my best to provide timely feedback. It has been my experience that most students submit assignments at the very hour they are due. If this happens, I will try my best to provide feedback on each module within one week of the completion date. IF, AT ANY TIME DURING THE SEMESTER, YOU DESIRE SPECIFIC FEEDBACK ON A SPECIFIC ASSIGNMENT, PLEASE CONTACT ME THROUGH EMAIL OR BY PHONE AND I WILL TAKE CARE OF YOUR REQUEST IMMEDIATELY. I do my best to read every word that you write so that I can provide you with constructive feedback on each assignment. As far as the discussions are concerned, I read ALL posts but I only respond to a certain number of posts – those that I find particularly thorough and those that need some correction; however, I will respond to AT LEAST two of your discussion postings during the term. The majority of the feedback will concern the assignments, the research paper and the midterm and final exam essays. If you follow the suggestions that I make early in the term, you will be very successful. In addition, grades for this term are not due until December 17. I will try to have them ready well in advance, but there is a chance that they may not be ready until the end of the term. Your understanding is greatly appreciated.
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Withdrawal Policy
In order to withdraw from this course with a W, a student must complete the withdrawal process on or before Friday, April 16, 2021, and can be done via ATLAS, but do it early in the event you have any computer-related challenges and need to come in person before the office closes. You will not be permitted to withdraw after the withdrawal date. Please note that I am permitted to withdraw you from the course for lack of participation.
Student Code of Classroom Conduct
The Student Code of Conduct has been recently revised and it is very thorough. In order to save space in this syllabus, I have provided a link to the code. You may access the code on the Valencia website.
Student Code of Classroom Conduct
Academic Honesty
The Academic Honesty Policy has been recently revised and it is very thorough. In order to save space in this syllabus, I have provided a link to the policy. You may access the policy on the Valencia website.
Quality of Work
If you submit work that is not what I deem to be college-level quality, I will submit the grade through Blackboard as a zero, send you an email explaining the situation, and I will allow you to make the necessary changes and resubmit the paper to me via Blackboard email. Reasons for such a decision on my part would include, but would not be limited to papers that are not properly cited, papers that are filled with grammatical and stylistic issues, etc. Please make sure that you proofread and edit your papers diligently before submitting them. Each Valencia Campus employs a writing center that can provide tremendous paper writing support. Make use of this wonderful resource! Papers or discussions that are plagiarized will be assigned a zero and you will not be granted an opportunity to resubmit the assignment.
Class Rules
- Turn in every assignment on time!
- Make sure that you submit your assignments as Word Document attachments.
- Contact the instructor on a regular basis if you need assistance.
- If you plan to withdraw from the course, contact the instructor first.
- If you get behind contact the instructor; do not plan to turn in everything during the last week of the course.
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Late Work Policy
All discussions and assignments must be submitted on time. Assignments submitted within six days of the deadline will receive a 20% reduction of the original point value. Assignments submitted one week after the deadline will receive a 30% reduction of the original point value. Assignments submitted more than one week after the deadline will receive a 50% reduction.
If you have a physical or learning disability, please feel free to talk with me before or after class. Students with disabilities who qualify for academic accommodations must provide a letter from the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) and discuss specific needs with the professor, preferably during the first two weeks of class. The Office for Students with Disabilities determines accommodations based on appropriate documentation of disabilities
OSD Locations and Contact Information
For information concerning the OSD, click on the following link:
Office for Students with Disabilities
I reserve the right to change the class schedule at any time. I will inform you of any changes that will take place. I hope that you enjoy the course and that you benefit greatly from its content.
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |