Course Syllabus


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Course Information

Course Name: Hospitality Human Resources Management

Course ID/Section: HFT 2223, 10023

Term/Year: Fall 2020

Modality: Online

Length of Term: 16 Weeks

Credit Hours: 3

Campus/Building/Room: Online through Canvas 

Meeting Day/Time: Frequent participation throughout the week. 


Instructor Contact Information

Instructor:  Craig J. Rapp 


Phone: 407-582-5617

Office Location: DCUCF1-406

Office Hours: Posted on Faculty Front Door

  • Mon 9:30am-1:00pm
  • Tue 9:30am-1:00pm     
  • Wed 9:30pm-1:00pm
  • Thur 9:30am-1:00pm
  • Fri 9:30am-11:30am by phone or email

Important Dates

Start Date: August 24th, 2020

Drop/Refund Deadline: August 31st, 2020

Withdrawal Deadline: October 30th, 2020

Term Project Due Date: October 25th, 2020 (initial post): November 1st, 2020 (discussion/feedback to peers)

Final Exam Due Date: December 9th, 2020

End Date: December 13th, 2020

College Closed: September 7th (labor Day), November 11th (Veterans Day), November 25th-November 29th (Thanksgiving), December 23rd-January 3rd (Winter Break).

College Calendar:

Course Overview

Course Catalog Description

Hospitality Human Resources Management provides basic skills and knowledge of supervision with specific examples in the hospitality industry. It details the characteristics and responsibilities of an efficient and effective supervisor with emphasis placed on such management skills as solving problems, motivating employees and improving employee performance.

Course Learning Outcomes

Students will:

  • Define and apply foundations of human resources management.
  • Identify and analyze organizational behavior foundations.
  • Identify and understand recruitment and selection issues.
  • Define and understand the performance appraisal.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of motivating employees.
  • Understand decision-making processes.
  • Apply management theories to organizational issues and situations.
  • Examine communication dynamics.
  • Identify leadership dynamics.


This course does not require any prerequisites.

Course Setup

  • HFT 2223 online will be broken down into "Modules" during the term. Students must complete all assignments listed within the Module each week. Some weeks may contain more than one Module or chapter in the book. Work from the course Schedule and Scoring Guide.
  • Modules will become available to students as they move through the course each week. You will not be permitted to work ahead.
  • During each week which will run from Monday at 8am through Sunday at 11:59pm EST, students will be responsible for completing all required assignments, discussions, case studies, quizzes and tests. The student must complete the required Module's work during the 7 day time period, to earn credit for completion. Students may complete work at any time during the time frame that a Module is open. It is important to pay close attention to each assignment’s due date.
  • Once an assignment passes the due date, coursework can no longer be submitted.
  • Please carefully review the Schedule and Scoring Guide and dates that each Module of work will be due .
  • It is recommended that each student set aside a minimum of three to nine hours each week to complete all of the Module activities required.

Professor Expectations

To successfully complete this course, all students are expected to actively engage in the online learning environment each week.

All students are expected to:

  • Read and become familiar with the course syllabus and expectations.
  • Keep up with assignments and readings and complete all “Units” of work assigned within the allotted time frame. Units will open on Mondays at 8am and close on Sundays at 11:59pm.
  • Ask for clarifications about material or course expectations.
  • Analyze assigned readings and offer thoughtful interpretations.
  • Actively participate in weekly courseroom discussions. Create substantive posts which add to and advance the quality of the discussion.
  • Engage other students by contributing substantive responses to their posts.
  • Be respectful of diverse perspectives and refrain from making inappropriate comments in course discussions and personal interactions.

Textbook & Required Materials

Supervision in the Hospitality Industry: John R. Walker, Jack E. Miller, 8th Edition, © 2017, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ. ISBN-9781119148463

Note: it is recommended that you purchase or rent this through the UCF & Valencia College Downtown Campus Official Virtual Bookstore; however, there may be cheaper options available. The assigned readings and the assignments come from this textbook so purchasing this text is a requirement of this course.

Technology Requirements & Skills

Computer Equipment Requirements

 A computer with access to a reliable internet connection is necessary. 

Students should verify computer software and hardware requirements to ensure course work can be submitted successfully.  Since all assignments are submitted through Canvas (unless otherwise noted), access to a computer or tablet are required for this course.  Students are encouraged to download the Student Canvas App onto their mobile device.

Note: Students have free access to computers at all Valencia campuses.

Technology Access/Skills

Students should demonstrate competence in the following areas:

  • using a word-processing program (for example, Pages, MS Word, TextEdit) to type, revise, and edit your course assignments
  • you will have to complete the term project, which can be produced using MS Word, with a presentation created using PowerPoint, or any other illustrating software. 
  • term projects must be submitted as either a doc, docx or pdf.
  • using Canvas to submit assignments and upload file attachments
  • navigating the electronic library databases

Course Policies

Attendance Policy

Punctual and regular attendance is mandatory in this course. Students are responsible for all material covered in class.

Attendance will be taken online through the use of weekly discussion postings. Punctual and regular attendance is mandatory in this course. You should plan to engage in the Canvas course several times a week in order to complete all assignments due.

Valencia’s policy is that a student will be present for all class meetings. For an online course, a student may be withdrawn after 2 absent discussions. Student with excessive absences, normally viewed as 3 or more absent discussions, will cause you to automatically be dropped from the class, resulting in a failing grade, regardless of the reason, No Exceptions.

No-show Withdrawal

Valencia's policy is that any student that does not come to class during the first week will be withdrawn. Since this is an online course, you must complete the first week assignments or you will be withdrawn.

Late Work/Makeup Policy

There are no make-up exams, homework, discussions or other assignments. All assignments must be completed by Sunday, before midnight at 11:59 (except for the Final Exam which is due on the Wednesday of the final week). Discussions require an initial post and two replies. To receive full credit, your initial post is due by Thursday of that week (unless otherwise noted) to make sure others have enough time to reply to your work. See Course Set-up above for more information. ***Note: technological issues, e.g. “the system was down,” is not a valid excuse so please plan to complete the lessons a day or two before the due date. Late work will only be accepted only if a student makes a reasonable attempt to communicate with the professor and provides written documentation of a medical emergency or ongoing medical condition that is submitted on the first day of the student's return to the course. 

Classroom Policy

In this course, you will experience a variety of learning activities to help you meet the course learning outcomes. To have the most meaningful learning experience, I believe your experiences matter and it's important to connect what we learn to your "real world." This means that active participation, timely submission of assignments, and ongoing dialogue are necessary for you to be successful.

Academic Integrity Policy

All work submitted by students is expected to be the result of the students' individual thoughts, research, and self-expression.  Whenever a student uses ideas, wording, or organization from another source, the source shall be appropriately acknowledged.  If a student is caught submitting plagiarized work a first offense will result in a zero score on the assignment, a second offense will result a class grade of F. Please see the college policies on Academic Honesty  and Plagiarism found found below for more detail and explanation.

Communication Policy

Expectations of Student

  • Students are expected to check their Atlas email and Canvas inbox on a regular basis throughout the week.
  • Students can expect to devote 3-9 hours each week to this course.
  • For guidelines on how to interact with your instructor and peers in an online learning environment, read through Our Practice of Respect and Community Building. Some highlights from these principles are: 
    • Create a hospital and accountable community
    • Suspend judgment
    • All voices have value

Expectations of Instructor

  • The Instructor will provide a variety of feedback on submitted assignments in a timely fashion.
  • The Instructor will address students following the guidelines as indicated in Our Practice of Respect and Community Building.
  • The Instructor will notify students of changes to the course work via the Inbox or Announcements tools.


It is important to be aware of your behavior in an online learning environment to ensure positive interactions with your instructor and peers. This requires you to follow some guidelines for behaviors.

All students are expected to:

  • Show respect for the instructor and for other students in the course
  • Respect the privacy of other students
  • Express differences of opinion in a polite and rational way
  • Maintain an environment of constructive criticism when commenting on the work of other students
  • Remain focused on the learning topics during discussions and activities

Contacting Your Instructor

You may contact me in various ways during this semester.

  • You may contact me through the People Tab in Canvas. I will respond to your messages Monday-Friday, normally within 24-48 hours with the exception of days and times when the college is closed.
  • If I do not respond to you in Canvas within 48 hours, or if your issue is time sensitive, you may email me at
  • In your messages, please indicate your course number (CRN) so that I may better assist you.
  • If you prefer to speak to me directly, my Valencia phone number is (407) 582-5617, and I will be happy to talk to you during my office hours in person or through Zoom.

Extra Credit Policy

Extra credit is not normally offered in this course. Extra Credit assignments, if offered, will be designed to extend the material learned in class.  Extra Credit assignments will never be made available to a single individual student without being extended to the entire class.  Due dates for extra credit will be strictly enforced.  Late extra credit will receive no credit regardless of the lateness policy.

Copyright Policy 

To avoid copyright infringement, any materials produced specifically for this class can ONLY be used during this term for this class.

Third Party Software & FERPA Policy 

Valencia College has a firm commitment to protecting the privacy rights of its students. Third party software privacy policies will be provided at the point of use within the course.

Valencia College has a firm commitment to protecting the privacy rights of its students. In making this commitment, the College wants to ensure that all faculty and staff are familiar with state and federal laws pertaining to student privacy, as well as College policies and procedures that have been implemented to help guarantee student privacy.

Final Exam Policy

You must complete the final exam to pass this course. Failure to attempt the final will result in a failing grade for this course regardless of the total points earned during the semester.  

Grading Scale

A: 900-1000 points

B: 800-899 points

C: 700-799 points

D: 600-699 points

F: Below 600 points

Grade Breakdown:




Unit Points

Total Points







Syllabus Quiz





Intro Discussion





Chapter Glossary Term Blogs





Read Chapter/Practice Quizzes





Weekly Chapter Discussions







Total Homework



Exams (50 Questions Each)





Exam 1





Exam 2





Exam 3





Exam 4







Total Exams



Final Exam (50 Questions )





Term Project/Discussion















Institutional Core Competencies

The course seeks to strengthen students’ skills applicable to Valencia’s Student Core Competencies: Think, Value, Communicate, and Act.

THINK – Analyze data, ideas, patterns, principles, and perspectives employing facts, formulas and procedures of the discipline.

VALUE – Distinguish among personal, ethical, aesthetic, cultural, and scientific values evaluating your own and others values from a global perspective in the process of learning the discipline.

COMMUNICATE – Identify your own strengths and need for improvement as a communicator employing methods  of communication appropriate to your audience and purposefully evaluate the effectiveness of your own and others communication.

ACT – Apply disciplinary knowledge, skills, and values to educational and career goals acting effectively and appropriately in various personal and professional settings responding also to changing circumstances.

College Policies

Attendance Policy

You are expected to attend all class meetings of all courses for which you are registered. Regular attendance and regular class participation are significant factors that promote success in college. For online courses, attendance is determined by consistently logging in and accessing the course content and completing courses in accordance with the syllabus.

You are expected to know the professor’s specific attendance policy as stated in the syllabus for each professor’s course. In the event of absence from a classroom course or the inability to participate in an online or hybrid course, you should contact your professor as soon as possible to indicate the reason and to inquire whether make-up work is possible. (Make-up work is offered solely at the discretion of your professor.) 

No Show Policy

Class attendance is required for face-to-face classes beginning with the first class meeting. If you do not attend the first class meeting, you may be withdrawn from the class as a “no show.” Class attendance is required for online classes; students who are not actively participating in an online class and/or do not submit the required attendance activity or assignment by the scheduled due date must be withdrawn by the instructor at the end of the first week as a "no show". If you are withdrawn as a “no show,” you will be financially responsible for the class and a final grade of “WN” will appear on your transcript for the course.”

Withdrawal Policy

Per Valencia policy a student who withdraws from class before the established deadline for a particular term will receive a grade of “W. A student is not permitted to withdraw after the withdrawal deadline.

A faculty member will withdraw a student up to the withdrawal deadline for violation of the class attendance policy.  A student who is withdrawn by faculty for violation of the class attendance policy will receive a grade of “W”.  After the withdrawal deadline, faculty will not withdraw a student and the student will receive the grade earned at the end of the course.  Any student who withdraws or is withdrawn from a class during a third or subsequent attempt in the same course will be assigned a grade of “F.”  If you do not intend to complete the course, you must withdraw yourself prior to the withdrawal date. 

College Student Conduct Policy

Valencia is dedicated not only to the advancement of knowledge and learning but also to the development of responsible personal and social conduct. As a registered student, you assume the responsibility for conducting yourself in a manner that contributes positively to Valencia’s learning community and that does not impair, interfere with, or obstruct the orderly conduct, processes, and functions of the college as described in the Student Code of Conduct.

Academic Honesty

All forms of academic dishonesty are prohibited at Valencia College. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, acts or attempted acts of plagiarism, cheating, furnishing false information, forgery, alteration or misuse of documents, misconduct during a testing situation, facilitating academic dishonesty, and misuse of identification with intent to defraud or deceive. 


Plagiarism is the act of taking another individual’s writings or ideas and passing them off as your own. This includes directly copying even a small portion of the text, indirectly taking thoughts by paraphrasing ideas without correctly attributing to the source (meaning both with signal phrases and in-text parenthetical citations), using papers written in previous courses (self-plagiarism), and using another individual’s research without the correct attribution. Any act of plagiarism or academic dishonesty will result in an automatic failing grade on the assignment, no matter how small the infraction; to clarify, this means the assignment will receive no points. Additional action may be taken with the college’s administrative offices.  Do not endanger your academic career: If there is a severe issue, you are confused about what constitutes plagiarism, or you feel dishonesty is your only solution, contact me immediately and we will discuss the matter. Remember, once the assignment has been submitted, there is no distinction between unintentional plagiarism and intentional plagiarism – it’s just intentional in my eyes. Students’ work will be submitted through Canvas’s plagiarism assessment tool.

Internet Research Statement

Because of the variety of sources, ease of publication, lack of central control, and proliferation of commercial information on the free Internet, it is often hard to tell if information obtained online is reliable.  Many sites contain research and information of high quality; however, unlike traditional print publications or library-based electronic resources, there is usually no process of peer review, nor is there an editor verifying the accuracy of information presented on the Internet. There are an increasing number of sites containing information that may be incomplete, anonymously written, out-of-date, biased, fraudulent, or whose content may not be factual. Students should, therefore, use caution in use of the free Internet for their research needs.  For academic topics that are addressed in scholarly literature, use of electronic databases or visiting the library may better meet your needs.  However, each professor makes the final determination of what is, or is not, accepted as a valid source, so review the syllabus for specific guidelines from your professor.

Students with Disabilities 

Valencia is committed to ensuring that all of its programs and services are accessible to students with disabilities. The Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) determines reasonable and appropriate accommodations for qualified students with documented disabilities based upon the need and impact of the specific disability. 

Any student requiring course accommodations due to physical, emotional or learning disability must contact the instructor and provide a Notification to Instructor form by the end of the second week of class.  To obtain a letter of accommodation, contact OSD at 407-582-2229.

Baycare Student Assistance Services

Valencia College strives to ensure all our students have a rewarding and successful college experience.  To that purpose, Valencia students can get immediate help with issues dealing with stress, anxiety, depression, adjustment difficulties, substance abuse, time management as well as relationship problems dealing with school, home or work. BayCare Behavioral Health Student Assistance Program (SAP) services are free to all Valencia students and available 24 hours a day by calling (800) 878-5470. If needed, the counselor may refer the student to appropriate resources or to speak face-to-face with a licensed counselor.

Learning Support Centers

Each Valencia campus has a Learning Center that provides resources such as tutoring, writing consultations, and skillshops to students. To locate available resources for the campus closest to you, view the Learning Support website.


As a Valencia student, you have free access to an online academic support program that is available 24/7 through your Atlas account. You can get live online tutoring, as well as receive feedback on your essays and research papers, among other support services. For more information, view the Learning Support website.

Fall 2020-Distance Tutoring & Technology Support at Valencia

You can easily access Valencia’s free distance tutoring and tech support from a computer, laptop or mobile device.

Distance tutoring services are provided fully online via Zoom.   Through this service, you will receive real-time assistance via a Valencia tutor.  Online tutoring is offered in: mathematics, sciences, accounting & economics, computer programming, EAP and foreign languages, and writing.

Online Learning Technology Support services are also available. Students can receive assistance with navigating: Canvas, OneDrive, Zoom, YouTube, and Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, & PowerPoint).  Support is also provided for video editing (via iMovie and MovieMaker) and converting documents from a Mac to PC.  Tech support is available live (on-demand) via Zoom, by appointment, or via email.   Students are encouraged to use the 24/7 Canvas Help located inside Canvas by clicking on the “Help” icon.

To get started using the Distance Tutoring and Learning Technology Support services, please visit  Through this site, you can view the schedule of tutors/tech support assistants, find available times, learn more about the services, and access a collection of supplemental resources that are available 24/7.

Hours of Operation:

Monday-Friday: 8 am – 10 pm

Saturday & Sunday: 9 am – 7 pm

College Links

College Catalog

Valencia Policy Manual

Student Handbook

Microsoft Office Instructions for free software

Course Support: onsite, online tutoring, writing help, etc. 

Disclaimer Statement

Changes in this syllabus, schedule, and or policy may be made at any time during the course per instructor discretion. Students will be notified of any changes through Announcements and/or via the Canvas Inbox conversations tool.


Course Summary:

Date Details Due