Course Syllabus

Human Biology BSC 1020

Valencia College

Summer 2022

Course ID/Section: 33247

Modality: Online

Length of Term: Fullterm

Credit Hours: 3

Campus/Building/Room: Online


Professor  Aurelia Zagorska Koval

Office Hours: Monday - Friday :10:00am-12:00 pm, Mon- 5pm.- 7pm. online via Zoom. 

Professor: Aurelia Zagorska Koval

Office Hours: Monday-Friday: 8am - 11:00 am, and Monday: 5pm-7pm online via Zoom 

Feel free to contact me anytime and we can schedule the ZOOM meeting when is convenient. Please identify which class you are and use the subject line “Meeting request” if requesting a meeting. Your message should include at least two times when you would like to meet and a brief (one-two sentence) description of the reason for the meeting. You can reserve time during Office Hours through Canvas Calendar if you so wish (not required). I strongly encourage you to ask questions about the syllabus and assignments by email. You should use email to ask questions about course content and policies, and as a tool to set up a one-on-one meeting with me if the online office hours conflict with your schedule.


Course Description

A general education non-laboratory course for students not majoring in biology and includes the application scientific method, and study of the human body with an emphasis on major organ systems and processes and their links to biological concepts underlying major societal and bioethical issues. Students should be prepared to complete college level reading, writing, and mathematics assignments as part of this course. This course meets the General Education science requirement for graduation.



By the end of the course the student will be able to: 

1. Students will apply their knowledge of the scientific method and human biology when analyzing medical information and bioethical issues.

2. Students will demonstrate their knowledge of biochemistry and cell structure and function.

3. Students will describe the biological basis of health and disease.

Students will explain the relationship between the human body and biochemical processes.

5. Students will demonstrate their knowledge of genetics, inheritance, and human body systems.



1. Human Biology W/ Mastering Bio Valencia Edition. ISBN 9781323465660.  Edition 2. Pearson Press.

(You should find the Textbook with the MasteringBiology  code in the Valencia College Online Bookstore Website):



The course seeks to strengthen students’ skills applicable to Valencia’s Student Core Competencies: Think, Value, Communicate, and Act.

Valencia Community College Core Competencies:
The faculty of Valencia Community College has identified four core competencies that define the learning outcomes for a successful Valencia graduate. These competencies are at the heart of the Valencia experience and provide the context for learning and assessment at Valencia Community College. You will be given opportunities to develop and practice these competencies in this class. The four competencies are:

1. Think – think clearly, and creatively, analyze, synthesize, integrate and evaluate in the many domains of human inquiry
2. Value – make reasoned judgments and responsible commitments
3. Act – act purposefully, effectively and responsibly
4. Communicate – communicate with different audiences using varied means


No Show Policy

Class attendance is required for online classes; students who are not actively participating in an online class and/or do not submit the required attendance activity or assignment by the scheduled due date must be withdrawn by the instructor at the end of the first week as a "no show". If you are withdrawn as a “no show,” you will be financially responsible for the class and a final grade of “WN” will appear on your transcript for the course.”

Withdrawal Policy

Per Valencia policy a student who withdraws from class before the established deadline for a particular term will receive a grade of “W. A student is not permitted to withdraw after the withdrawal deadline.

A faculty member will withdraw a student up to the withdrawal deadline for violation of the class attendance policy. A student who is withdrawn by faculty for violation of the class attendance policy will receive a grade of “W”. After the withdrawal deadline, faculty will not withdraw a student and the student will receive the grade earned at the end of the course. Any student who withdraws or is withdrawn from a class during a third or subsequent attempt in the same course will be assigned a grade of “F.” If you do not intend to complete the course, you must withdraw yourself prior to the withdrawal date.

College Student Conduct Policy

Valencia is dedicated not only to the advancement of knowledge and learning but also to the development of responsible personal and social conduct. As a registered student, you assume the responsibility for conducting yourself in a manner that contributes positively to Valencia’s learning community and that does not impair, interfere with, or obstruct the orderly conduct, processes, and functions of the college as described in the Student Code of Conduct.

Academic Honesty

All forms of academic dishonesty are prohibited at Valencia College. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, acts or attempted acts of plagiarism, cheating, furnishing false information, forgery, alteration or misuse of documents, misconduct during a testing situation, facilitating academic dishonesty, and misuse of identification with intent to defraud or deceive.

All work submitted by students is expected to be the result of the students' individual thoughts, research, and self-expression. Whenever a student uses ideas, wording, or organization from another source, the source shall be appropriately acknowledged. If a student is caught submitting plagiarized work a first offense will result in a zero score on the assignment, a second offense will result a class grade of F.

Students with Disabilities

Valencia is committed to ensuring that all of its programs and services are accessible to students with disabilities. The Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) determines reasonable and appropriate accommodations for qualified students with documented disabilities based upon the need and impact of the specific disability.

Any student requiring course accommodations due to physical, emotional or learning disability must contact the instructor and provide a Notification to Instructor form by the end of the second week of class. To obtain a letter of accommodation, contact OSD.

Baycare Student Assistance Services

Valencia College strives to ensure all our students have a rewarding and successful college experience. To that purpose, Valencia students can get immediate help with issues dealing with stress, anxiety, depression, adjustment difficulties, substance abuse, time management as well as relationship problems dealing with school, home or work. BayCare Behavioral Health Student Assistance Program (SAP) services are free to all Valencia students and available 24 hours a day by calling (800) 878-5470. If needed, the counselor may refer the student to appropriate resources or to speak face-to-face with a licensed counselor.


Academic Resources

We want you to stay connected to the latest academic resources we have available for you during this transitional time.


West Campus Bookstore:

Campus Store will be open Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Campus store window pick-up will be available Monday – Saturday, 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.

Downtown Campus
The Campus Store at the Downtown Campus is owned and operated by Barnes & Noble and will continue to operate online for the Fall 2021 term. Visit the Campus Store website for the Downtown Campus for more information and to order online.

Other Campuses
Valencia Campus Stores will be closed during the Fall 2021 term. Visit the Valencia Campus Store website for more information and online ordering.

Customer Service
Monday – Friday 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.
407-299-5000, extension 5310

Learning Support Services provides students with academic support through distance tutoring, face to face tutoring at the campuses, writing consultations, library services, and resources. Tutoring is offered in most academic disciplines including math, science, foreign languages, English for academic purposes (EAP), computer programming and writing assistance for any course.  Assistance with library research can be accessed online through Atlas or the tutoring LibGuide.  For more information on how to access tutoring and library research assistance, please visit the college-wide Learning Support Services LibGuide at: 


Please note: Brainfuse is our new  24/7 online tutoring and learning hub, which is available to all of Valencia’s students.  This service is best used as a back-up to Valencia’s Distance Tutoring service, not as a replacement. Brainfuse is accessible through Canvas or by visiting 

Academic Advising:

  • Call: 407-582-1507
  • Email:
  • Visit for links and information on how to get connected to each of the following:
    • Virtual Answer Center or Virtual Advising Center(online Zoom access): Monday-Thursday 10a-7p, Fridays 9a-5p; Virtual Answer Center only – Saturdays 9a-1p
    • Make an appointment (in person): Monday-Thursday 8a-5p, Fridays 9a-5p (East, West, and OSC only), Fridays - virtual only (DTC, LNC, WP, PNC).

Enrollment Services:

  • (phone access): Monday-Thursday 8a-6p and Fridays 9a-5p(407-582-1507)


Financial Aid:

Contact for their financial aid questions, as well as for potential assistance with financial support

As a reminder, you can review the full list of student services hours of operation, which was provided in a past Grove Article for the Roadmap to Reopening.


Throughout the COVID pandemic, Valencia College has been primarily focused on the health and well-being of its students and faculty and staff. This continues to be our priority as we return to more face-to-face classes, and college policy continues to be guided by science and the guidelines issued by the CDC and our partners at Orlando Health. I urge all students who are able to do so to get vaccinated and encourage friends and family to do so as well.  

Should you become ill with COVID, please inform me and your professors and coworkers both for your safety, the safety of our Valencia community. I will do what I can to assist you in completing successfully our coursework. Please inform our COVID liaison Tanya Mahan ( as well, so she can support you in this process. We are in this together! For more information, please consult: (Links to an external site.)


College Catalog

Valencia Policy Manual

Student Handbook

Microsoft Office Instructions for free software

Course Support: onsite, online tutoring, writing help, etc.

Class Policies 

1. Technology Requirements:The college uses the Canvas learning management system (LMS). The following link provides answers to common questions you may have about Canvas: faqs.php. If you have any concern about whether your computer system is sufficient to support Canvas, please read this document. The following link lists the minimum computer requirements to successfully run Canvas:
Please note – while Safari can be used for Canvas, Pearson has announced that Safari is not compatible with MasteringBiology. If you own an Apple-based system, you will need to install a second browser to use to complete the required MasteringBiology assignments. The recommended browsers are Chrome and Firefox. In addition to the minimum requirements you are also required to have a webcam, either integral to your system or as an addition to your system.
In addition, you will also need to download the Respondus lockdown browser as it will be required for all online examinations this semester. This browser is available for Windows- and Apple-based systems, but currently cannot be installed on Chromebook laptops. If you use a Chromebook for class, you must have access to a computer system that supports the Respondus browser in order to take the examinations.
You will also need to download, and install, the smartphone app CamScanner and install it on your mobile device. This app turns your smartphone into a document scanner and saves your document into a single pdf document you can upload to Canvas. It is available for both Android and iOS phones and you will need it to turn in your chapter study guides (see below) and any other paper-based assignment this semester.
2. Netiquette:
The term "netiquette" refers to the awareness of the need for a certain code of behavior (etiquette) in electronic environments (the net) ... Net + Etiquette = netiquette. Netiquette, while a general term, is complex at specific levels because there are so many different kinds of electronic environments, and so many different situations in which we may find ourselves in those environments.
Classes focusing on areas where electronic communication play a key, if as yet undefined, role in technical and professional communication, and it is our responsibility to be aware of our textual presence as it reflects upon our professional responsibilities, to ourselves and to our parents and students.
In order to maintain a positive online environment, we all need to follow the netiquette guidelines summarized below.

All students are expected to:
• show respect for the instructor and for other students in the class
• respect the privacy of other students

• express differences of opinion in a polite and rational way
• maintain an environment of constructive criticism when commenting on the work of
other students
• avoid bringing up irrelevant topics when involved in group discussions or other
collaborative activities

The following list summarizes the kind of behavior that is not acceptable. Each item listed below is grounds for removal from the class.
Students should not:
• Show disrespect for the instructor or for other students in the class
• Send messages or comments that are threatening, harassing, or offensive
• Use inappropriate or offensive language
• Convey a hostile or confrontational tone when communicating or working collaboratively with other students.

3. Attendance: The College believes that regular attendance and class participation are significant factors which promote success in college. Canvas, our course management system, logs your online activities and this record will be used to monitor your attendance. You are expected to participate in the weekly activities of the class, beginning during the first week of the semester and for the remainder of the semester, to remain in good standing in the class. To comply with the new regulations from the Department of Education dealing with program integrity, faculty be able to document that you attended class during the first week of semester. Completing one of the required first week assignments will constitute a record of your attendance. You must actually complete the assignment – simply logging on to the course is not sufficient. If you do not complete an assignment during the first week, you will be considered as a “no show” and will be dropped from the class after the drop deadline .

4. Grading: There will be a total of 660 points available for the semester. These will be allocated as
converted to a percentage. Grades for the semester will be awarded using the following

A: 100%-86%

B: 85%-71%

C: 70%-56%

D: 55%-46%

F: 45%-0%

5. Withdrawal: You are responsible for initiating a voluntary withdrawal from the class prior to the published withdrawal date. You must withdraw prior to the withdrawal date in order to avoid being given an “F” grade. After the official withdrawal date, you cannot withdraw from the course and your grade will be what you have earned. Any student who withdraws from a class during a third or subsequent attempt in the same course will be assigned a grade of “F”.

Course Attempts/Course Withdrawal
Agencies and organizations which provide financial assistance/scholarships (federal and state government, businesses, etc.) may have requirements relative to withdrawal, course repeats and grade forgiveness which are more stringent than those described below. It is your responsibility to verify the effects of enrollment and/or withdrawal upon your financial assistance (financial aid, scholarships, grants, etc.).
According to State Rule 6A-14.0301, you may attempt the same course only three times at Valencia including the original grade, repeat grades and withdrawals at any point in the term. Students in Bachelor’s degree programs are limited to two attempts. The same course usually means the subject prefix and course number are the same when posted on a Valencia transcript. Courses that have been deemed equivalent will all count as attempts even if the current course number is not the same as your previous attempt(s). Being enrolled in a course for credit beyond the Drop/Refund Deadline counts as an attempt. The Drop/Refund Deadline for each term is listed in the Academic Calendar in the online official catalog.

After the Withdrawal Deadline
A student is not permitted to withdraw after the withdrawal deadline. A professor may withdraw you up to the beginning of the final exam period for violation of the class attendance policy, as published in the faculty member's syllabus, in which case you will receive a grade of “W”. If the professor does not withdraw you, your grade will be what you had earned.
A complete description of the current college policy can be found by following the link below.

6. Academic Dishonesty: All forms of academic dishonesty are prohibited at Valencia College. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, plagiarism, cheating, furnishing false information, forgery, alteration or misuse of documents, misconduct during a test situation, and misuse of identification with intent to defraud or deceive.
All work submitted by students is expected to be the result of the student’s individual thoughts, research and self-expression. Whenever a student uses ideas, wording or organization from another source, the source shall be appropriately acknowledged.
Students shall take special notice that the assignment of course grades is the responsibility of the student’s individual professor. When the professor has reason to believe that an act of academic dishonesty has occurred, and before sanctions are imposed, the student shall be given informal notice and an opportunity to be heard by the professor. Any student determined by the professor to have been guilty of engaging in an act of academic dishonesty shall be liable to a range of academic penalties as determined by the professor which will include, but not be limited to, one or more of the following: loss of credit for an assignment, examination or project; a reduction in the course grade; or a grade of “F” in the course. At the option of the professor, the campus president may be furnished with written notification of the occurrence and the action taken. If such written notice is given, a copy shall be provided to the student.

Students guilty of engaging in a gross or flagrant act of academic dishonesty or repeated instances of academic dishonesty shall also be subject to administrative and/or disciplinary penalties which may include warning, probation, suspension and/or expulsion from the college.
You will be required to sign, and return, an Honesty Agreement before you will be given access to the first exam. This is mandatory and not negotiable. This agreement will be sent to you via email.

7. Asking for help: Ask for help if you need it! Do not wait until the end of the semester to ask for help. The sooner you ask, the more beneficial it will be. Valencia tutoring is available online through Canvas Conferences. You can find more information about online tutoring by clicking on the following link:

8. Smarthinking Online Tutoring: Smarthinking is a free online tutoring service, where you can receive live, online tutoring as well as submit your essays for comments. To access this resource, log into Atlas, click on the “Courses” tab, and click on “Tutoring (online) – Smart Thinking,” located under “My Courses.”
Students guilty of engaging in a gross or flagrant act of academic dishonesty or repeated instances of academic dishonesty shall also be subject to administrative and/or disciplinary penalties which may include warning, probation, suspension and/or expulsion from the college.
You will be required to sign, and return, an Honesty Agreement before you will be given access to the first exam. This is mandatory and not negotiable. This agreement will be sent to you via email.

9. BayCare Services: BayCare is a private and confidential counseling service contracted by Valencia College that provides short-term assistance to credit students who need to resolve problems that are affecting their college performance. Examples might include stress, relationship/family issues, alcohol/drug problems, eating disorders, depression, and gender issues. If you are experiencing any of these issues, call 1-800-878-5470 to speak to a professional counselor. For more information, log into Atlas, click on the “Students” tab, and click on “BayCare Health System,” located under “Health and Wellness.”

10.Students with Disabilities: Students with disabilities who qualify for academic accommodations must provide a letter from the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) and discuss specific needs with the professor, preferably during the first two weeks of the semester. The OSD determines accommodations based on appropriate documentation of disabilities. The West campus office can be contacted as follows:
West Campus SSB, Rm. 102 Phone: 407-582-1523 Fax: 407-582-132618.

Tentative Course Schedule:

(NOTE: This is a tentative schedule and the instructor reserves the right to change this schedule without notice)


Dates Available

Material and Assignments covered


May 9 - 15

Introduction week, opening Activities, Chapter 1 


May 16 - 22

Chapter 2


May 23 - 29

Chapter 3


May 30 - June 5

Chapter 4 Exam 1, (ch.1-4)


June 6 - 12

Chapter 5 


June 13 - 19

Chapter 6


June 20 - 26

Chapter 7, 8 (Exam 2, ch.5-8)


June 27 - July 3

Chapter 9


 July 4 - 10

Chapter 10


July 11 - 17

Chapter 11(Exam 3, ch.9-11)


July 18 - 24 Chapter 12,13
12 July 25 - 31

Chapter14 (Exam 4,ch.12-14)


August 1

Final Exam


Vacations and other important dates:
• May 16 – Drop/Refund Deadline
• May 30 – Memorial Day (College closed)
• June 10 – Withdrawal deadline

• July 4 (Independence Day)

Assignments and Grade Breakdown

Assignment Number of Assignments Points of Each  Total for Category
Homework 14 10 140
Dynamic Study Module                14        5         70
Discussion Post 14 10 140
Exams 4 50 200
Final Exam 1 100 100
Intro Discussion and Honor Code 1 5 5
Orientation Syllabus quiz and Lockdown Browser test 5 5
Total 660

Assignment Description

1. Mastering Biology Homework. Mastering  Biology has homework assignments for each chapter. They will help you understand and apply knowledge and concepts from each chapter. They also happen to be worth a lot of points for your total grade. 

2. Discussion Posts. Each chapter will include a discussion post. You will perhaps need to draw things, or discuss a relevant scientific issue with other students. These posts are worth 10points, 7.5 for your answer and 2.5 for your responses to two other students.

3. There are four exams, excluding the final, in the course. There will be four module exams during the semester plus a comprehensive final exam at the end of the semester. The
module exams will consist of 30 multiple choice questions (1 point/question; 30 points), 10 short answer questions (minimum of one paragraph answer per question – 2 points/question; 20 points) for a total of 50 points per exam.

4.The comprehensive final exam consist of 40 multiple choice questions (1.5 points/question; 60 points), 20 short answer questions ( – 2 points/question; 40 points) for a total of 100 points. The final exam will be worth 100 points. During each Exam you will use Respondus Lockdown Browser, to ensure academic integrity, (please check technology requirements).

5. Introductory Discussion Post and Anti-Cheating Pledge. This assignment will be due the first week of class and will count as the attendance activity. You will introduce yourself, respond to the posts of two other students, and sign an anti-cheating pledge. 

College Calendar:

                        LETTER FROM THE DEAN

Expectations of a Valencia College Science Student and

                Expectations of Academic Integrity

 Welcome to the Science Division of Valencia College’s West Campus; we are enthused to have this opportunity to assist you in achieving your educational goals. Higher education is a privilege and an opportunity; it is your responsibility to realize that you are in control of those behaviors and actions that can enable success in this course.

From your professors, you can expect the following:

  1. They will be prompt, courteous and respectful.
  2. They will provide a professional learning environment throughout the entire scheduled

instructional period.

  1. They will provide an up-to-date syllabus; when changes need to be made, they will announce

changes in a manner that is conveyed to all students in their class.

  1. They will provide you with a course that is of necessary rigor to prepare you for the career you

have chosen; because the class you are taking transfers to a four year college or university, it will be taught with the same academic expectations. The bonus of starting your education at Valencia, when compared to attending a four year college, is you will be able to get more personal attention with small class sizes and you will be able to save money; the classes are not easier.

  1. They will offer time outside of class to discuss your questions.
  2. They will be available to discuss your class concerns in private, outside of class time; you should try to resolve your class concerns with your professor before you try to voice your concerns with administrators.
  1. They will respond to emails within 2 business days.
  2. They will expect from you what they have expected from the many students who passed their

classes in the past.

In return, this is what your professor will expect from you:

  1. You will be prompt, courteous and respectful.

Prompt means you come to class on time, ready to work, with all assignments

completed before you enter class or lab. It means that you have studied, that all conversations, texting and diversions come to a stop and that you are ready to contribute to a positive learning environment from the beginning of the class or lab.

Courtesy means you are polite in your attitude and behavior towards your professor and classmates.

Respectfulness means that you regard everyone’s classroom experience as valuable to them, that you accept your professor’s expertise and experience to create relevant course objectives and that you treat college and personal property with care.

  1. You will read your syllabus; your syllabus is a contract between your professor and you. Be aware of deadlines to complete assignments on time and know your professor’s attendance policy. You will need to attend class for the full length of time allotted to your science class and lab.
  2. You will be aware of Valencia College policies and procedures found in the college catalog; ignorance of policies and procedures doesn’t mean they don’t apply.
  3. You will be serious about learning; it is your responsibility to be an active participant in your own learning. You will need to devote sufficient time to learn the material presented by your professor; for most students, this means you will need to spend at least two hours studying for every hour of instruction. Learning is an action verb; you will need to do more than sit through class and reread your notes to be successful. To succeed in higher level classes, you must retain the information, concepts and skills you will learn; this can only happen if you work at learning to make the course content a part of your long term memory. Do not cram!!
  4. You will be encouraged to produce your own study guides. Most college professors do not provide study guides, but they can give you tips that will help you produce your own study guides to gain a better understanding of the course content.
  5. You will be expected to participate fully in classroom activities. The work you produce must be your own; cheating in any form is not tolerated and your professor will have specific consequences, in their syllabus, which will be enforced should cheating occur.
  6. You will be expected to contribute to a positive learning environment. Avoid classmates who speak negatively, or who have a negative outlook, about your class or your professor. Instead, get to know your professor during office hours; you will learn much more with a positive attitude.
  7. You will be held to a high standard of maturity and responsibility. Disruptive behaviors will not be tolerated in the classroom or lab. First time disruptions will be handled by your professor and may include a request that you leave the class or lab. Very serious or repeated disruptions will be reported, to the Dean of Science and the Dean of Students, with specific consequences that can include your permanent removal from the class. Disruptions include:

- Being noisy when arriving late to class or leaving early.

- Carrying on private conversations while the professor is talking.

- Disrespectful language, tone and mannerisms.

- Sleeping or attempting to sleep in class.

- Repeatedly asking unnecessary or irrelevant questions.

My wish is that you get the best learning value from the science classes that you are taking. With everyone abiding by the expectations in this letter, your science classes at Valencia should be the next step in achieving your academic dreams.

It is my hope that you will think about why it is important that we each show academic integrity and how cheating and plagiarism affect all of us, including those guilty of these academic crimes. Some students think that it only hurts their grade if they get caught cheating or plagiarizing, but cheaters typically lie not only to others, but to themselves. Eventually, cheaters pay a price.

➢ Those who cheat typically fail licensure exams, since they don’t really know the material. Without a professional license, they won’t be able to get employment. Would you want to be treated by a doctor who cheated in order to pass an exam that covered his or her knowledge of your disease? Also, if they falsify a patient’s medical records, can you guess what can happen to them?

➢ Research scientists who falsify data are typically discredited and their reputations can be permanently ruined.

➢ Although you may think your professors have no clue when a student

is cheating, usually your classmates do and some will inform your professor.

➢ Cheating becomes habitual. See what happens when employees cheat their employer.

➢ Students who let others cheat off them are not doing anyone a favor. If you are in a highly competitive field, you may ultimately be aiding your competition.

➢ Guess what a professor says to a student seeking a letter of recommendation when they know the student cheated or plagiarized.

➢ Finally, what happens to a person’s self-esteem and to their reputation when they act unethically by cheating or plagiarizing?


Use the following as your guide: “Each student is required to follow Valencia policy regarding academic honesty. All work submitted by students is expected to be the result of the student’s individual thoughts, research, and self-expression unless the assignment specifically states ‘group project.’ To get the most out of each of your classes, it is best to learn how to study for long term comprehension, not just to memorize facts. Study so you can teach others what you are learning. My motto

is, “if you can’t teach what you are learning to others, you don’t really know the material.” Academic dishonesty, in the forms of cheating and plagiarism, will not be tolerated and for most of our science professors will result in a student getting a zero on a test or assignment for the first offense and then an F for the course if a student


is caught cheating or plagiarizing again; at that point the Dean of Students will also be notified. Don’t throw away your dreams and your reputation by showing a lack of academic integrity. We wish you the best and want you to succeed and be proud of your accomplishments at Valencia.

Dr. Robert Gessner

West Campus Dean of Science Valencia College



Course Summary:

Date Details Due