Course Syllabus

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Course Prefix and Name

MAC2311: Calculus with Analytic Geometry 1 (4 Credit hours; 5 Contact Hours)


Fall 2021. CRN 10847




16 Weeks


No required meeting days/times. However, tests must be taken during a specific window.


This syllabus is an agreement between the student and the instructor. By enrolling in and then attending this course, the student agrees to and accepts the terms and conditions of this agreement. It is the responsibility of the student to carefully read this syllabus/agreement and the Orientation module in their entirety, and to adhere to all policies and procedures within the syllabus and the Orientation module.


Joel Berman


While I am generally available by messaging Monday through Friday 7:30am-6:00 pm, I will also hold "Office" hours on the following days and times:

Engagement Hours Table
Day Time(s) Method
Monday 10am-11am, 2-3pm In-Person (East 4-240) and Zoom
Tuesday 12:30-3:00pm Zoom
Wednesday 10am-11am, 2-3pm In-Person (East 4-240) and Zoom
Thursday 9-11:30am Zoom
Friday 2-3pm Email / Canvas Messaging

If you want to meet with me via Zoom but these sessions are not convenient, contact me and we will figure out a time to meet.


  • Access to APEX Calculus. This is an Open-Educational Resource, written by faculty at Virginia Military Institute. It is free for us to download and use. I recommend that you download version 4.0, any of the three available formats.
  • Access to Paul's Online Notes. This is a website with a series of notes and exercise sets built by Paul Dawkins at Lamar University. I have received permission from Mr. Dawkins to use the website for my courses.
  • A scientific calculator. Any model.
  • Graphing Calculator. A TI-84 will be used for any demonstrations. The instructor reserves the right to inspect, or have any testing center proctor inspect, the memory of the student's calculator at any time during the semester. If inappropriate information is found stored in the calculator during a quiz or test, the student will receive a 0 on that quiz or test.


This is an online course. Therefore, you must have reliable access to an internet enabled device. The assignments for this course will require you to input correct math notation, so a laptop/desktop device is recommended. Attempting to complete this course with only a tablet or phone may prove difficult.


You will be required to:

  • Access websites
  • Input mathematical notation through a website
  • Download and read PDF files
  • Create and upload PDF files through Canvas


The course will be hosted in Canvas at Valencia College Website . Your login and password for Canvas are the same as what you use for ATLAS.


This is the first course in a three-course sequence that introduces the concepts and skills of Calculus. Topics include limits and continuity, indeterminate forms, derivatives of algebraic, trigonometric, and transcendental functions, applications of derivatives, definite and indefinite integral, the Mean Value Theorem and Intermediate Value Theorem, the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus . Minimum grade of C required if MAC 2311 is used to satisfy the Gordon Rule and general education requirements.


Minimum grade of C in MAC 1140 and MAC 1114 or MAC 1147 or an appropriate score on an approved assessment.


By the end of the course, students will

  1. Apply the concept of limits to functions, continuity, derivatives and integrals
    • Find limits graphically, numerically, and algebraically.
    • Determine where and when a function is continuous.
    • Calculate limits using the limits laws.
    • Use the limit of the Riemann sum to find the definite integral of a function.
    • Analyze an indeterminate form using L' Hospital's Rule.
  2. Explain the concept of differentiation including its geometric and physical interpretations.
    • Find the derivative using the limit definition of the derivative.
    • Find the value of the derivative at a point algebraically.
    • Approximate the value of a derivative at a point graphically and numerically.
    • Explain the interpretation of a derivative in different contexts and situations.
    • Explain the relationship between average rate of change and derivative in the context of an application.
    • Explain the equivalence between slope of a tangent line and derivative at a point.
  3. Find derivatives of functions using rules of differentiation.
    • Use rules of differentiation to find derivatives of algebraic or transcendental functions.
    • Use implicit differentiation to find derivatives.
    • Use logarithmic differentiation to find derivatives.
  4. Explain the concept of the definite and indefinite integrals including their geometric and physical interpretations.
    • Explain the interpretation of definite and indefinite integrals in different contexts and situations.
    • Approximate the definite integral using a Riemann sum given either a graph or a function.
    • Solve applied problems using a Riemann sum.
  5. Find indefinite and definite integrals.
    • Apply the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus to evaluate definite integrals.
    • Use antiderivatives to find indefinite integrals.
  6. Solve applied problems using derivatives.
    • Use the first and second derivatives to analyze the graph of functions.
    • Solve applied problems such as optimization, rates of change, and rectilinear motion using derivatives.


To successfully complete this course and earn a passing grade, students will need to

  • Be able to structure their time effectively so that sufficient time can be spent attending class sessions, learning the concepts presented, and practicing the skills required therein. This is a 4-credit hour (5-contact hour) course. Generally, I advise that students spend two hours "outside" of class time for each hour of "in-class" time. Thus, you should expect to spend at least 15 hours per week outside of class sessions just for this course.
  • Complete and submit assignments on time. There will be no extensions provided on any assignment or exam without proof of military service, jury duty, or medical emergency.
  • Prepare for testing following provided information sheets for each test.
  • Earn passing grades on assignments and tests.


The course grade will be determined by the following:

Course Grade Criteria Table
Assignment Category Percentage of course grade

Check-in Assignments

Several exercises which should reinforce some of the basic concepts and skills that have been presented in the recent sections. They will be completed using an assessment system called IMathAS. Direct links to the assignments are provided through Canvas. Any discussion assignments will also fall under this category.

15% of course grade

Quiz Assignments

Download/Print the quiz, complete quiz exercises, and submit your quiz assignment through the appropriate link in Canvas as a .PDF file. Quiz assignments are available for three days, with no time limit.

15% of course grade

Tests (4 unit tests)

Similar format as the quiz assignments except tests will have a time limit. Each test will become available several days before the due date.

50% of course grade

Final Exam

Similar format to the unit tests.

20% of course grade


Your final grade in MAC2311 will be determined from the weighted average of the check-in and quiz assignments, tests and the final exam.

The grading scale is as follows: A: 90-100%, B: 80-89.99%, C: 70-79.99%, D: 60-69.99%, F: below 60%


The is a "LatePass" system in place that will allow you to complete up to 5 IMathAS Check-in assignments after the due date.

There will be no makeups for Discussions, Quizzes, Tests, or the Final Exam


Course Overview Table
Week Topics
1 The Tangent and Velocity Problems; Introduction to Limits; One-Sided Limits
2 Finding Limits Analytically; Continuity and the Intermediate Value Theorem; Limits Involving Infinity
3 Instantaneous Rate of Change and the Derivative
4 Interpretations of the Derivative, Higher Derivatives, and Differentiability; Basic Derivative Formulas; The Product and Quotient Rules
5 The Chain Rule; Implicit Differentiation; Derivatives of Inverse and Hyperbolic Functions
6 Related Rates; Indeterminate Forms and l'Hopital's Rule
7 Differentials and Linear Approximations
8 Critical Numbers; Extreme Values; Rolle's Theorem and The Mean Value Theorem for Derivatives
9 The First Derivative and the Shape of a Graph; Concavity and the Second Derivative
10 Curve Sketching; Constrained Optimization
11 Newton's Method
12 The Antiderivative; The Area Problem and Definite Integrals
13 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus; The Substitution Rule
14 Break
15/16 Additional Topics / Final Exam

Here you can download a Schedule of Recommended Dates to work on the course material and Due Dates for the assignments. 


Important Dates for Fall 2021
Class Begins August 23
Labor Day -- College Closed September 6
Withdraw Deadline November 3
Veterans Day -- College Closed November 11
Thanksgiving Break -- College Closed November 24 - 28
Final Grades Posted December 14
Winter Break -- College Closed December 22 - January 2


Students in this online course are required to complete several assignments during the first week of the course to demonstrate attendance. These assignments may be found in the Orientation module once the course begins. Students that do not complete the assignments in Orientation module will be withdrawn from the course as a "no-show."

Even though this is an online course, you are expected to "attend" class by keeping up with the assignment deadlines. Students that who miss three consecutive assignment deadlines will be contacted by the instructor via Canvas Inbox messaging regarding expectations for the remainder of the semester. If those expectations are not met, the student may be withdrawn from the course.

The withdraw deadline for a grade of W is November 3, 2021. If you decide to withdraw, you must do so through ATLAS. If you do not withdraw from the class by this date, you will receive a letter grade of A, B, C, D or F for the course. For a complete policy and procedure overview on Valencia Policy 4-07 please go to:

Valencia College Academic Progress, Course Attendance, and Grades and Withdrawals Policy


All students are expected to be in compliance with Valencia College’s policy on student code of conduct.

Valencia College Student Code of Conduct Policy


All students are expected to be in compliance with Valencia College’s policy on academic honesty.  All tests should be completed without any assistance, including online resources. You will be expected to affirm an Honor / Academic Honesty Statement with every test submission.  Acts of Academic Dishonesty may result in disciplinary action, including zero grades and course failure.  Please refer to the student handbook for details:

Valencia College Academic Dishonesty Policy


Students may record video or audio of class lectures for their own personal educational use. A class lecture is defined as a planned presentation by a college faculty member or instructor, during a scheduled class, delivered for the purpose of transmitting knowledge or information that is reasonably related to the pedagogical objective of the course in which the student is enrolled. Recording class activities other than class lectures, including but not limited to class discussions, student presentations, labs, academic exercises involving student participation, and private conversations, is prohibited. Recordings may not include the image or voice of other students in the class, may not be used as a substitute for class participation and class attendance, and may not be published or shared without the written consent of the faculty member. Failure to adhere to these requirements may constitute a violation of the College’s Student Code of Conduct.


Class sessions may be recorded for students in the class to refer back and for enrolled students who are unable to attend live. Students who participate with their camera engaged or utilize a profile image are agreeing to have their video or image recorded. If you are unwilling to consent to have your profile or video image recorded, be sure to keep your camera off and do not use a profile image. Likewise, students who un-mute during class and participate orally are agreeing to have their voices recorded. If you are not willing to consent to have your voice recorded during class, you will need to keep your mute button activated and communicate exclusively using the "chat" feature, which allows students to type questions and comments live. Note: To play a previously recorded Zoom session you will need a password.


  • East Campus On-site tutoring: Valencia's East Campus Learning Support Center offers in-person math tutoring services at the Math Center located in 4-102.  Visit the East Math Center website to learn more and East Learning Support Center website for additional services and for links to services on all of Valencia's campuses. 
  • Valencia’s Virtual Tutoring Service:  Students can easily access Valencia’s free distance tutoring from a computer, laptop or mobile device.  Distance tutoring services are fully online via Zoom and provided real-time via a Valencia tutor for mathematics, sciences, accounting & economics, computer programming, EAP, foreign languages, and writing. To get started using the Distance Tutoring services, students can visit the Distance Tutoring Home page .  Through this site, students can view the schedule of tutors, find available times, learn more about the services, access tech support and a collection of supplemental resources that are available 24/7. If you have questions regarding college-wide tutoring services, please contact .
  • Valencia’s Math Help 24/7: Valencia Math professors have created pen-casts and videos of common lessons to help you learn the concepts being presented in class. This resource is located at Valencia's Math Help 24/7 Web Site . Click on your course to view your lessons. Some lessons have more than one professor’s perspective; watch more than one!
  • Brainfuse: Brainfuse is a 24/7 online tutoring and learning hub available to all of Valencia’s students.  This service is best used as a back-up to Valencia’s virtual tutoring service, not as a replacement. Brainfuse is accessible through Canvas or by visiting the Distance Tutoring Home page and selecting the Brainfuse tab. 


Students with disabilities who qualify for academic accommodations must provide a notification from the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) and discuss specific needs with the instructor, preferably during the first two weeks of class. The Office for Students with Disabilities determines accommodations based on appropriate documentation of disabilities. There is an Office for Students with Disabilities on each Valencia Campus.

Please be advised that withdrawal from this course due to attendance may result in the termination of your visa status if you fall below the full-time enrollment requirement of 12 credit hours. Contact Valencia’s International Student Services office for more information.


Valencia’s Student Core Competencies are complex abilities that are essential to lifelong success. This course will help you to develop and demonstrate the abilities to:

  • THINK clearly, critically, and creatively;
  • COMMUNICATE with others verbally and in written form;
  • Make reasoned VALUE judgments and responsible commitments;
  • ACT purposefully, reflectively, and responsibly.

Due to the nature of these global competencies, many of the problems will be presented in the context of an application. These applications will require students to select appropriate information from the problem and communicate effectively in order to explain and/or describe how the student used the skills they are learning to arrive at an appropriate solution for the problem.


Near the end of the term, students will receive an invitation through their Valencia ATLAS email account asking them to complete the Student Feedback on Instruction (SFI). This survey provides Valencia College professors with feedback on students’ experiences in courses and helps them to continually improve their courses. The results are released only after grades are submitted and students’ names are not included in the results – all responses will be anonymous.


Valencia College has contracted with a private and confidential counseling service (Bay Care Behavioral Health Student Assistance Program (SAP)) to provide FREE short-term assistance to students who need to resolve problems that are affecting their college performance. Examples might include: stress, relationship/family issues, alcohol/drug problems, eating disorders, depression, and gender issues. Students who are experiencing any of these issues and who are enrolled in credit classes at Valencia should call the toll-free number 1-800-878-5470 to speak to a professional counselor. If needed, the counselor may refer the student to appropriate resources or to speak face-to-face with a licensed counselor. For more information, call or visit a Counselor in Student Services on any campus.


Any student who has difficulty accessing sufficient food to eat, or who lacks a safe and stable place to live, and believes this may affect his or her performance in the course, is urged to meet with a Counselor in the Advising Center for information about resources that may be available from the college or community.


The observance of religious holidays (activities observed by a religious group of which a student is a member) and cultural practices are an important reflection of diversity. Faculty are committed to providing educational opportunities to students of all belief systems. At the beginning of the semester, you should review the course requirements to identify foreseeable conflicts with assignments, exams, or other required attendance. Please contact your professor within the first two weeks of the first class meeting and at least seven calendar days prior to the holy day(s) to allow time for fair and reasonable adjustments as determined by the professor to the schedule and/or tasks. Visit this link for Valencia College's policy on student accommodations of religious observances.


Community Pandemic Resources: The Monitoring the Coronavirus Community Resource website contains a list of local and national resources that may be helpful to you or your family during this time.


The Student Services departments (answer center, advising, counseling, etc.) schedule contains in-person and virtual office hour information

  • STUDENT COUNSELORS/ADVISING: Students who want to talk with a Valencia counselor for emotional support and resources should:
  • ANSWER CENTER: For general enrollment questions, assistance is available through our Answer Center — which is available on-campus and online. Our student services advisors can answer your questions about financial aid, assessment, transcripts, residency and more.
    • Advisors are available to assist with steps to enrollment, follow up on the admissions process, review and determine financial aid needs, and clarify initial educational goals. Connect on Zoom Virtual Answer Center and Virtual Advising Center:
    • Hours of operation: Mon – Thu. 10:00 am – 7:00 pm, Fri. 9:00 am – 5:00 pm, Sat. 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
    • In-person: 8:00 am to 5: 00 pm by appointment Monday – Thursday on all campuses; Fridays -- East/Osceola/West will operate from 9 am to 5 pm

FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act):

FERPA is a Federal law that is administered by the Family Policy Compliance Office (Office) in the U.S. Department of Education (Department). 20 U.S.C. § 1232G; 34 CFR Part 99. FERPA affords students certain rights with respect to their educational records. Valencia College has a firm commitment to protecting the privacy rights of its students. For further information on FERPA, see: Valencia College FERPA Statement


Valencia College strives to be a place free from all forms of discrimination. Title IX protects students from discrimination based upon sex including protections against sexual violence, domestic violence, and stalking. This also includes protections for students who are pregnant or may become pregnant. If you experience sexual violence, domestic violence, or stalking and would like assistance there are several options available to you. Valencia partners with the Victim Service Center of Central Florida which is a confidential resource available 24/7. They can be reached by calling 407-497-6701. If you would like assistance on campus, you can go to or contact Valencia College’s Title IX and Equal Opportunity Officer, Ryan Kane, by emailing If you would like to report to law enforcement, you may visit Campus Security or call 911.

Please note that there are no confidential resources on campus. As your professor, I am required to report any information mentioned in this statement to the appropriate campus resources. This will include your name, and detailed information shared with me. We take privacy very seriously at the College and only those who have a legitimate need to know the information will be provided with this information.

If you have more questions about Title IX or the College’s response, please visit


Changes in the syllabus, schedule, evaluation procedures, and/or homework assignments may be made at any time at the discretion of the professor. In case you are absent, it is your responsibility to find out what, if any, announcements or changes have been made.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due