Lab Exam #2 Summer 2021

  • Due Jul 28, 2021 at 11:59pm
  • Points 50
  • Questions 40
  • Available Jul 28, 2021 at 12:01am - Jul 28, 2021 at 11:59pm 23 hours and 58 minutes
  • Time Limit 80 Minutes


You must take this test for a score or you get a zero. This test is not eligible for replacement by the Optional Final Exam.

There are 40 questions. You have one attempt and a maximum time of 80 minutes. The highest score is 50 points for all correct answers.

The deadline is 11:59 pm on Wednesday July 28th. You may begin the exam as early as 12:01 am Wednesday July 28th. It opens approximately 6hrs from the time it is posted here by me.

I will not 'unlock' an exam that has been initiated or automatically submitted at closing time.

You are responsible for your connection. Having too many programs and windows open on your device while testing presents problems. Problems also arise as other users of your connection demand too much of the shared signal. Please manage your time, connection, and exam. Good luck and good skill.

Only registered, enrolled users can take graded quizzes