Academic Refresher Module 4 Videos

Academic Refresher Module 4 topics include Exponent Basics and Properties, Negative Exponents, Multi-step problems, and Scientific Notation. Watch the videos below to review these topics.



Exponent Basics

These videos provide examples of exponent basics.
Writing and Evaluating Evaluating One-step Exponent Expressions
Evaluating Multi-step Problems with Exponents



Exponent Properties

These videos provide examples using exponent properties.
Product Property Power Property
Quotient Property



Negative Exponents & Multi-step Problems

These videos provide examples of negative exponents and  simplifying multi-step exponent expressions.
Negative Exponents Multi-step problems with No Parentheses
Multi-step problems With Parentheses



Scientific Notation

These videos provide examples of converting to and from scientific notation.
Scientific Notation to Standard Form  Standard Form to Scientific Notation